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July, 2022

"The Cabinet" it's a short drama film about a sensitive man who is trying to manage his emotional state. Film was shooted in just one location - in the cabinet of the main character and actors are performing only with their hands.

Many things are happening to the main character in this film, but the essence, the most important changes we can see in the cabinet. It can be a whole movie, where the cabinet scene would be a small part but I just cut everything off and left the essence. 

I choose the cabinet to be a storyteller.  



March, 2020

There are people who enter your life and change everything, people for whom it is worth stopping, breathing and valuing. Value what really matters. The details, the little things, things like the seawater, the clouds. There are people who are made of unforgettable steel, people who make everything make sense, even what did not matter until we met them. They are authentic people who mark a before and after in our life, who arrive as a breath of fresh air, and that, if they leave, they remain an indelible mark on our memories.



November, 2019

"Art Battle" it's an international competition for outstanding young artists. We had just 20 minutes to create an artwork. I've participated with the project "The Portrait". All of us know that we are temporary here, but somehow we have an inner belief that we will live forever. We don't appreciate the time we have, not living life fully. "The Portrait" is a reflection on our impermanence. That, sooner or later, all we worried, about will not matter and the only thing we have is the present moment. As a symbol of the end of life, just before the countdown stopped, I cut the portrait with a knife.



February 5, 2019

This project is called “The Wall of Pain”. It expresses the pain that every human experiences during their life. This wall consists of limitations integrated into our consciousness which prevents us from being what we really are, free and happy. We are taking as a guideline the expectations of the society, the family, and friends. The beliefs of how things should be are imputed by the surrounding environment -  at home, at school, on TV, in fairytales -. All those expectations on what girl/boy/woman/man should be like and what life is. We define it as “mentality”, “education”, but in the end, it’s what exactly puts us into a cage or at borders; what teaches us to not trust ourselves, our feelings, to put tags - what it’s good and what it’s bad.

WhatsApp Image 2019-01-18 at


December 10, 2018

I've participated in collective multidisciplinary exhibition in Barcelona organized by Transforma. My performance of live painting was about showing the creativity of each moment and expressing it on the canvas, using colors as words. When painting in public it's challenging to concentrate so I normally use very exact, pure, truthful music to focus. Here you can see official videos of the exhibition and photos of the process. Enjoy!



September 20, 2008

This project was inspired by Native Americans history, I've been deeply touched that the original nation was almost completely vanished by new-comers, the great loss of human life and culture was tremendous. I'm using symbolic language as door-handle with blood on it like a cruel opening of the continent, shoes stepping on the native american ornaments, traditional cloth mixed with contemporary wear to show how the natives have to change themselves in current world to fit in it.



April 15, 2007

I've created this collection taking as inspiration the contemporary world of absurd with twisted values - when what needs to function and be a priority are moved to background and superficial achievements are granted. I mean here that basic need which is inner harmony not taken as something important but instead exchanged for plastic decoration of the body which bringing momentary satisfaction but still keeping inner world in disbalance. I've expressed it in a form of dysfunctional cloth which does not let an owner to move and perform his role - his theater personage.

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September 20, 2009

Dandy project it´s about a man who places particular importance upon physical appearance, refined language, and leisurely hobbies, pursued with the appearance of nonchalance in a cult of self. Dandy is actually in a prison of social opinions and judgments. I've manifested those limits in tightening sleeves behind, jackets connected with pants. One part of the jacked twisted showing disorientation of the person from real values towards imputed. Also, the colors used are over-bright than would not be normally used for Dandy, but it shows his real purpose - to call attention.

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